Shepherd of the Hills Uniform Policy


Official School dress code

At Shepherd of the Hills we believe that students should be able to focus on their social and spiritual health without the pressure of fashion trends and high-end brands. With a uniform program we increase safety on campus and distinguish students with their unique personalities and accomplishments!

Our uniform program is affordable, and flexible to fit all SHLS students!

Uniform Flyer.JPG

Uniform provider

Shepherd of the Hills is happy to partner with Tommy Hilfiger and Global School Wear for our school uniform needs.  We make every attempt to make uniform expectations simple and easy for both parents and students to understand, with comfort and flexibility in mind to accommodate all SHLS families. 


sample uniform guide

The uniform guide is a snapshot of what SHLS students can purchase through the Global School Wear website, and sample outfits. The official School Dress Code (listed above) includes more clothing options and colors.

Uniform Guide.jpg